Sunday, May 12, 2013


PSALM 98: 7-8 " Let the sea in all its vastness roar with praise! Let the earth and all those living on it shout, 'Glory to the Lord.' Let the waves clap their hands in glee, and the hills sing out the songs of joy before the Lord..."
Worship is more than a song, it is praising our Lord in every circumstance. When I read the Psalm above I was reminded of my time sitting by the beauty of the gulf. Have you ever heard the thunder of the waves as it crashed onto shore? Or the sounds of the birds as they look for food in the water? Even the majesty of dolphins swimming and playing in the water is a form of worship. I love to hear the sounds of God's creation.
Just this morning ,as I sat outside reading my Bible, I was in awe of the sounds around me. Birds chirping, (quite loudly), like they were shouting praises to our Lord. Frogs croaking, the sound of trees swaying against the wind and in the distance a dog barking. What was even more amazing was the sounds of human technology were non existence. No traffic was heard and even the air conditioners in the surrounding homes shut off. It was just me and the Lord. What a special time I had with Him this morning. I joined in with my fellow creatures in praising our Lord. I kept thinking of this Psalm and joined in with the earth. This was my church today.
Since falling and hurting my back in January I am still having a difficult time getting around. I am blessed to have found a home church on Tuesday nights where my good friends, Jerry and Sally Sprague, host, teach and lead us in worship. This week our topic is on worship and the question we will be discussing is "How do you praise God when you don't understand what's happening in your life?' Oh how hard it is, for me. I want so much to be healed. To walk with out the use of a walker. To be more functioning where I can go places and be more independent. But for today that is not the case. So as I celebrated church, this fine Mothers Day, with just God, myself and His creation I became so caught up in worship the tears just trickled down my face. Our God is good! He is awesome! King throughout the earth. I may not understand what He is doing, but I am filled with so much of His Holy Spirit that at times like these it doesn't matter. I encourage you to take time out today and just shout "Glory to the Lord". Join in with the rest of His creation singing songs of joy before the Lord. Have a blessed day!


  1. Your blog is as beautiful as you are! May it bring you many blessings as you share your faith with the world.

  2. Loved it!!!
    Ellen thank you for the reminder!
    Worship was my form of prayer all day today after I read your blog. It was exactly what my spirit needed!!.
    You are a great inspiration,
