Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves. (Phil 2:3)

What a wonderful time was had at our home this past weekend as we gathered together for some family time. So much food, fun and laughter. I was so happy to see everyone having a good time. I sat back and took pictures. Later on that night a sense of melancholy came over me. I wished I was able to be a part of this fun instead of being on the outside looking through a camera lens. A statement a friend had made many years ago surfaced, "It's time to come out of the sidelines and participate in life". I wish I could have. With my physical weakness there is no way I could of participated in the fun that was had. In fact if I was in the pool I would of been in the way of the water gun fights and noodle wrestling. I am not saying that I need to abstain from the pool and fun all the time, but this day I felt the need to sacrifice and watch. It truly is a test of maturity when you can rise above self pity and be happy for others. Paraphrasing, Philippians 2:3, in humility (ugh, so hard to do), think of others as more important then my own wants. I actually enjoyed watching my family have a good time. As I layed in bed I waved those thoughts of despair away. I smiled as I thought of the laughter and comments like, "I haven't laughed so hard in a long time".
Yes, "A cheerful heart is good  medicine," (Prov 17:22), even if it's someone else's cheer. The caution is the other part of the verse, "But a broken spirit saps a persons strength". I could have allowed the despair to seep in and steal my joy and strength. I could have whined and complained to everyone there how unfair it was that I was not a part of the fun. Thank God I was able to sit back and enjoy life through other's eyes. There will be a season, once again, when I will be in the midst of the fun. Either way the key to a joyful life is being content in all circumstances, (Phil 4:12). Thank you Lord for this beautiful day which you have given me. I will rejoice and be glad in it.

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