Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My dear friend and sister in Christ, Ines, suggested and started this blog for me. "What do I write", I ask her? She says, "Whats on your heart".  Another freind stated I write things to deep on FB so she also stated I should start a blog. So here I am, a little computer illiterate but willing to try again, (my first posting got lost somehow). A little about where I'm at in life. I was diagnosed with a neuro muscular disorder, CMT, at the age of 9. I have lived a very active life and I am happy. However 2 years ago I helplessly watched my CMT escalate where my muscles became weaker. I fell and fractured my ankle, which set me back and I had physical therapy to try and regain what I had before injury. Wound up doing more damage to my knee and had surgery, another set back. Had to use a walker after surgery and continue with physical therapy where I was starting to walk with a cane. Unfortunately I fell and hurt my back. I can't seem to get back to any form of normalcy for me. I need a walker now to get around and even that is hard for me. During this time of being still I have grown tremendously with my walk with the Lord. He and I communicate all day long. I know He is in charge.  I wouldn't have volunteered for things to be as they are, yet submitting to Him has brought peace and joy into an otherwise difficult situation. The title Courage to Believe, is my testimony. It is easy to become isolated, angry and fill myself with pity but it is such a misserable place to be. It takes COURAGE an acronym for Contentment, Overcoming, Understanding, Restoring, Accepting, Grace, and Embracing the challenges I face each day.
I would love to chat with others, to encourage one another, give hope, pray for one another and gently encourage the covering of scripture and God's promises. I would like to share a verse that means a lot to me. It is found in Psalm 40:3 "He has given me a new song to sing, of praises to our God. Now many will hear of the glorious things He did for me, and stand in awe before the Lord, and put their trust in Him". For me God has put a challenge with my physical limitations as a new way of life or I'd like to say a new song to sing...I can sing, "Oh Woe is Me", or I can sing praises to our God. My prayer is that if God heals me on this side of heaven then many will become believers. More importantly, however,  if He chooses not to heal me I pray  others will see how He has equipped me with joy in spite of my affliction then they will have the courage to believe as I do