Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves. (Phil 2:3)

What a wonderful time was had at our home this past weekend as we gathered together for some family time. So much food, fun and laughter. I was so happy to see everyone having a good time. I sat back and took pictures. Later on that night a sense of melancholy came over me. I wished I was able to be a part of this fun instead of being on the outside looking through a camera lens. A statement a friend had made many years ago surfaced, "It's time to come out of the sidelines and participate in life". I wish I could have. With my physical weakness there is no way I could of participated in the fun that was had. In fact if I was in the pool I would of been in the way of the water gun fights and noodle wrestling. I am not saying that I need to abstain from the pool and fun all the time, but this day I felt the need to sacrifice and watch. It truly is a test of maturity when you can rise above self pity and be happy for others. Paraphrasing, Philippians 2:3, in humility (ugh, so hard to do), think of others as more important then my own wants. I actually enjoyed watching my family have a good time. As I layed in bed I waved those thoughts of despair away. I smiled as I thought of the laughter and comments like, "I haven't laughed so hard in a long time".
Yes, "A cheerful heart is good  medicine," (Prov 17:22), even if it's someone else's cheer. The caution is the other part of the verse, "But a broken spirit saps a persons strength". I could have allowed the despair to seep in and steal my joy and strength. I could have whined and complained to everyone there how unfair it was that I was not a part of the fun. Thank God I was able to sit back and enjoy life through other's eyes. There will be a season, once again, when I will be in the midst of the fun. Either way the key to a joyful life is being content in all circumstances, (Phil 4:12). Thank you Lord for this beautiful day which you have given me. I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Two can accomplish more than twice as much as one, for the results can be much better. If one falls, the other pulls him up; but if a man falls when he is alone, he's in trouble. Ecclesiastics 4:9-10

We need each other. As believers it is so important to find support and friendship through other Christians. I tried to request friendship with other Christians on a CMT website. I was surprised of the negativity that was answered. People were actually offended that I categorized the word "Christian" commenting on my desire to segregate from the rest. I was encouraged to share my prayer requests as an open forum so others can see it as well. Matthew 18:19," Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven." For me I believe the meaning in this verse is to find others who share the same God, the one and only true God that can only be found through His son Jesus Christ. In order to believe this one must be a Christian. There is power when two or more are filled with the Holy Spirit and praying and encouraging one another. Not that God doesn't hear the prayers of a pre-Christian, He is much bigger than that. I certainly do not want to put God in a box or start categorizing Him. However, I share from experience the power that is unleashed when the purity of the spirit of Christ in another is in agreement with the spirit of Christ in me. So in saying all this, I ask my fellow Christians to be in agreement with me in prayer for my body. I started a supplement that was used as a clinical study in helping CMT patients. It is not marketed yet, and the pills I have are not the pure form used. But, it is the only supplement available to the public at this time. Today is day 3 of taking the supplement. I also need prayer of wisdom in searching for a leg brace that may help me walk better. However, the cost can range from $5,000 - $8,000. My insurance may pay 80%, which means I have to come out of pocket for the rest. Unfortunately if it does not work I can't return them as they are custom made. I have an appointment to try one on Thursday, May 23rd. Please if you are reading this lift me and my sister up in prayer. Be in agreement with me of healing, hope and strength. However way God chooses, I want to receive all that He has in store.I will keep you posted of the results.....thanks

Sunday, May 12, 2013


PSALM 98: 7-8 " Let the sea in all its vastness roar with praise! Let the earth and all those living on it shout, 'Glory to the Lord.' Let the waves clap their hands in glee, and the hills sing out the songs of joy before the Lord..."
Worship is more than a song, it is praising our Lord in every circumstance. When I read the Psalm above I was reminded of my time sitting by the beauty of the gulf. Have you ever heard the thunder of the waves as it crashed onto shore? Or the sounds of the birds as they look for food in the water? Even the majesty of dolphins swimming and playing in the water is a form of worship. I love to hear the sounds of God's creation.
Just this morning ,as I sat outside reading my Bible, I was in awe of the sounds around me. Birds chirping, (quite loudly), like they were shouting praises to our Lord. Frogs croaking, the sound of trees swaying against the wind and in the distance a dog barking. What was even more amazing was the sounds of human technology were non existence. No traffic was heard and even the air conditioners in the surrounding homes shut off. It was just me and the Lord. What a special time I had with Him this morning. I joined in with my fellow creatures in praising our Lord. I kept thinking of this Psalm and joined in with the earth. This was my church today.
Since falling and hurting my back in January I am still having a difficult time getting around. I am blessed to have found a home church on Tuesday nights where my good friends, Jerry and Sally Sprague, host, teach and lead us in worship. This week our topic is on worship and the question we will be discussing is "How do you praise God when you don't understand what's happening in your life?' Oh how hard it is, for me. I want so much to be healed. To walk with out the use of a walker. To be more functioning where I can go places and be more independent. But for today that is not the case. So as I celebrated church, this fine Mothers Day, with just God, myself and His creation I became so caught up in worship the tears just trickled down my face. Our God is good! He is awesome! King throughout the earth. I may not understand what He is doing, but I am filled with so much of His Holy Spirit that at times like these it doesn't matter. I encourage you to take time out today and just shout "Glory to the Lord". Join in with the rest of His creation singing songs of joy before the Lord. Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

John 14:27 "I leave you with a gift, peace of mind and heart. This peace is not like the peace the world gives, so do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid."
I was doing pool exercises for about 2 weeks now,  but the temp in the pool is only 74% and my body has been aching. Don't know if it's the exercise or water temp. So I am abstaining for a while from the pool at least until the the water temp heats up a bit. Being in SW Florida it really shouldn't take that long. I was disappointed yesterday as my back felt so weak and I was having a hard time functioning.  But I am determined to do everything I  can  to get some strength back, and then leave the rest to God.
   I keep having these recurring dreams where I am able to walk with out the use of a walker. In my dreams I am aware that I have a walker but I either leave it in the car and walk to my destination with out it or like, in last nights dream, I left the walker on the side in my living room and walked without it commenting to my husband, "Look, I'm walking without the walker". I always wake up from those dreams in a state of hope believing that perhaps the Lord is showing me this is only temporary. Either way i am so grateful that the Lord has given me a peace throughout this situation.
I am trying to pursue a vitamin supplement that has shown positive results in some CMT patients. It's very costly and only in the 2nd trial stage ( I believe there are 3 stages in a trial study before it shows positive data to release the information as a type of treatment or cure) . There is no cure at this time for CMT, this supplement is not a cure but hoping to help in treating the condition..
I am asking for prayer for wisdom in this matter. I am also going to look into a different type of leg brace that other CMT patients are raving about.  Psalm 25:4-5 has been my daily prayer,  "Show me the path where I should go, O Lord: point out the right road for me to walk. Lead me; teach me; for you are God who gives me salvation. I have no hope except in you."
Appreciate your prayers...thanks Ellen

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My dear friend and sister in Christ, Ines, suggested and started this blog for me. "What do I write", I ask her? She says, "Whats on your heart".  Another freind stated I write things to deep on FB so she also stated I should start a blog. So here I am, a little computer illiterate but willing to try again, (my first posting got lost somehow). A little about where I'm at in life. I was diagnosed with a neuro muscular disorder, CMT, at the age of 9. I have lived a very active life and I am happy. However 2 years ago I helplessly watched my CMT escalate where my muscles became weaker. I fell and fractured my ankle, which set me back and I had physical therapy to try and regain what I had before injury. Wound up doing more damage to my knee and had surgery, another set back. Had to use a walker after surgery and continue with physical therapy where I was starting to walk with a cane. Unfortunately I fell and hurt my back. I can't seem to get back to any form of normalcy for me. I need a walker now to get around and even that is hard for me. During this time of being still I have grown tremendously with my walk with the Lord. He and I communicate all day long. I know He is in charge.  I wouldn't have volunteered for things to be as they are, yet submitting to Him has brought peace and joy into an otherwise difficult situation. The title Courage to Believe, is my testimony. It is easy to become isolated, angry and fill myself with pity but it is such a misserable place to be. It takes COURAGE an acronym for Contentment, Overcoming, Understanding, Restoring, Accepting, Grace, and Embracing the challenges I face each day.
I would love to chat with others, to encourage one another, give hope, pray for one another and gently encourage the covering of scripture and God's promises. I would like to share a verse that means a lot to me. It is found in Psalm 40:3 "He has given me a new song to sing, of praises to our God. Now many will hear of the glorious things He did for me, and stand in awe before the Lord, and put their trust in Him". For me God has put a challenge with my physical limitations as a new way of life or I'd like to say a new song to sing...I can sing, "Oh Woe is Me", or I can sing praises to our God. My prayer is that if God heals me on this side of heaven then many will become believers. More importantly, however,  if He chooses not to heal me I pray  others will see how He has equipped me with joy in spite of my affliction then they will have the courage to believe as I do

Monday, May 6, 2013