Monday, January 26, 2015


My sheep hear my  voice,and I know them, and they shall follow me.   John 14:27

 I just hate it when I'm talking to someone and they ignore me. Whenever I'm saying something and the person I'm speaking to is not paying attention I speak louder as if they didn't hear me. My ego tells me my words are important and they need to hear what I'm saying. I get annoyed and frustrated and will not take being ignored lightly. Sometimes I will go to great lengths to get my point across. It doesn't always produce good fruit.
So why do I become surprised when I'm trying to do right by God's ways and follow His voice that the enemy's voice becomes louder and annoying? Trying to stay positive and forgive and love as Christ calls us to and those negative reminders of the flesh shouts accusatory daggers. The enemy could be voices in your head, people in your path or the real enemy, Satan.
Just the other day I tried to enjoy a beautiful day. The voices in my head were reminding me of negative comments made in the past. Feelings of anger and injustice were surfacing and controlling my emotions. “Wait a minute”, I thought, I was reminded of Galatians 5:22-23,” But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness and self-control”. Hmmm doesn't say anger, bitterness or self pity. No those spirits produce rotten fruit. I recognized immediately which spirit was taking control over my life.
So I spent time in prayer. Praying and forgiving those who hurt me and asking God to bless their day. To overlook the faults of others as well as my own. God never said it would be easy to follow Him, but He does provide a way out of those tempting negative thoughts. In fact when I do it God's way, verses Ellen's way, oh the peace and joy that surfaces is glorious. “Father, please forgive those who have wronged me and forgive me for those whom I have wronged. Help me to be a shining light in a darkened world. Let me produce the type of fruit that is pleasing to you. Help me to overlook the sting of words and to put up the “Shield” so the enemy's taunts will not harm me. Thank you for loving me so much that when I stray You send comfort and words through the Holy Spirit to bring me back on track.”  

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