Sunday, October 27, 2013


I wish there was a certain formula, Bible verse or method to use to receive answered prayer in my favor. However, that is not part of God's will. It is in faith, trust and love that we look to our Father in Heaven and rely on His answer and what He knows to be our need. Not easy, especially if we don't understand the answer.
I am sad to say my $4,000.00 leg braces did not work out. I thought for sure this was the answer to my prayers. Everything seemed to fall into place. The fundraiser, my niece had, raised the exact amount of the out of pocket expense. I prayed long and hard as did my fellow prayer warriors. I even picked out names for my braces. I was certain and faithful that the Lord's favor were all over these braces.
I went to a friends church and was prayed over by a man who has the gift of healing. I memorized Bible verses on healing and I prayed them over my legs. I praised God and thanked him for all I had. (Based on Philippians 4:6). I practiced long and hard walking in those braces, wore supportive shoes and put knee braces on both legs. I did everything I was told to do.
However, it seems God has a different plan. I am reminded by Paul's statement in 2 Corinthians 12:8-10 to be content and boast of my weakness. “Three different times I begged God to make me well again. Each time he said, ' No. But I am with you; that is all you need. My power shows up best in weak people.' Now I am glad to boast about how weak I am; I am glad to be a living demonstration of Christ's power, instead of showing off my own power and abilities. Since I know it is all for Christ’s good I am quite happy about 'the thorn', and insults and hardships, persecutions and difficulties; for when I am weak, then I am strong—the less I have, the more I depend on him.” (TLB)
I had to ask myself, why do I want to walk so bad. I know it sounds like a silly question as God created us to walk, see, hear, breathe ect. Whenever our bodies are out of sync its natural to pray as Paul did for God to remove out 'thorn'. Yet, in answering the question I asked myself, the reason was so I can continue to serve God through the different ministries I was involved in. I want to see and walk in the beauty of His creation. To be able to take my grandchildren to a park or the movies. I want be a apart of life and get off my throne and out of the house. I realize God answers prayer in the way that best serves Him. He has different jobs for each of us. He heals, as there is work to do in the healing as we give Him glory in the miracle. He doesn't heal as He has something for us to do in our difficulties that we would not be able to accomplish otherwise, and we praise Him in spite of our weakness. God is God. There are no formula's, Bible verses or methods to His will. It is important to understand that and not manipulate His word, as I did, demanding His healing.
I love my Lord, and if He has a reason beyond my understanding to allow this frail body to weaken and not get stronger, I will still praise Him. In the 2 years I have struggled I have memorized numerous Bible verses, started this blog, and found a great group that restores my hope and joy. I learned that in spite of my circumstance I can have joy if I embrace the Lord. I could be healed and miserable or I could struggle and be content. In experiencing the peace that comes from the Lord I truly have to say I am content today with my weakness. I am filled with joy and peace only by the grace of God. It is not anything I have done. For that I give God the glory.


  1. I love you my friend . Praying continuously for you and for healing,
    Sending you a big hug from the other side of the planet!!!
    Ines W.

  2. What a blessing from the Lord to be truly content in all circumstances! Whether we have lack or plenty it's all from Him and for Him. I praise God for you, for your plucky spirit, for your new found joy, and your continual obedience to His word. Love and blessings, Jan
