Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Throne Room of Grace

For two years I have sat on my throne waiting, hoping, praying, studying and exercising. Waiting to get stronger, hoping each therapist that came, or exercise I did, or vitamin I took would be the miracle cure. I studied and memorized scriptures that I used in prayer for my recovery.  I sat on my throne researching on my tablet for different treatments and leg braces. I made numerous phone calls to different orthotists, therapists, doctors, and clinics asking numerous questions. Family and friends who came and visited me would find me sitting on my throne. I am tired of sitting here. I  come boldly, to our Lord's Throne and  ask for His Mercy and Grace in my time of need.


I am going to try a new leg brace called Phat Brace.

Praying this will enable me to walk away from my 
throne. I don't know if this will work, but I am 
praying for the Lord to guide me. A 
few of my brothers and
sisters with CMT have conflicting views.
A few say it has helped them tremendously, 
others say if you are not walking well these 
won't help. Only God will know. But I am going for it! 

Here the orthodists, Jillian, is measuring and casting my legs for the right fit. It was more involved in measuring then I thought. Jillian
charted the measurement around the ankles, length of the leg and width. Then she put tape around the finished product  
These braces are quite expensive. However 
there are braces that cost $12,000 a 
piece, which insurance won't cover. Unfortunately 
I can't afford those. These guys are $1900.00 and
insurance will pay for 80%. But God is good and is our Jehovah Jireh. The Lord provides.

 My niece, Christine, felt led to have a garage sale and raise  money for me and my sister's leg braces. God  bless her.
 She worked so hard for two weeks, collecting,        organizing,  and sacrificing her  weekends and  
 her family just so we 
 can afford our new braces. 
 God's provisions came through as all money needed  was raised. Thank you God! Thank you Christine and everyone else who helped contribute!

When we come boldly to His throne room it is with a humbled heart. The word boldly can be misleading as it is not with an arrogance of demanding God what we want or think we deserve, but rather it is with a brokenness and humbled spirit that one would approach our Lord with confidence. He is Majestic and Holy. We are to respect and revere Him.
No, I could not enter His throne with a spirit of  pride telling Him to make me well, but rather one of reverence, confidence and awe. He is a safe and loving Father. We can enter His throne and pour out our hearts to Him. Psalm 62:8 "Oh my people trust in the Lord with everything, pour out your heart to Him" I have spent much time sitting on my throne as I entered His throne through worship and Prayer. So when God gives us Grace it is an undeserved gift, and His Mercy is His unfailing love that continues forever. However way God answers my prayer, I have to believe it is for His best interest for me. I pray if you are struggling with an illness, or hardship, that you will humbly go before our Gracious God and He will give you His mercy and get you through your situation with His grace. "Never will He leave you, and never will He forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5) I will keep you posted when the new braces arrive. In the meantime if you will join me in prayer for a cure.September is national CMT (Charcot Marie Tooth) month and scientists are working hard looking for a cure. If you feel led to donate you can got to CMTA website. See you in His throne room as we pray for each others needs. Hugs.... 

1 comment:

  1. How He has tempered your heart with His grace as you have spent time with Him! If you had legs that worked well would you have had the long intimate time in His throne room? It's a blessing to me to see how you continue to get better, not bitter. You have such a sweet spirit. May you continue to be blessed in the Lord's presence.
