Sunday, January 19, 2014

Rejoice With Those who Rejoice

One of my prayers is to rejoice with others even if I'm going through a difficult time or, to weep with someone who is going through a trial I cannot understand. It is certainly not an easy task. I could never do it on my own. I need the power of the Holy Spirit to work in and through me. It is also a timely process.
God asks that we, “Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep.”(Romans 12:15)

Can I rejoice with the mom who shares of her son's bright future and awards given at school while my son was just diagnosed with a life changing disease? Can I rejoice with the couple down the block showing pictures of their vacation and sharing of their in depth love for one another while my marriage suffers? Can I rejoice with a friend who was so excited because their dog was healed when I just buried my mother? Can I rejoice with a brother in Christ on the healing of a toothache while my body continues to suffer as this disease weakens my body? Can I rejoice with others who received their life’s dream in retirement to travel at their leisure while I can barely pay my mortgage? The answer to all these questions is, Yes! Yes, accompanied with genuine love and my blessings for their happiness. Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.” (Matthew 19:2). I cannot rejoice while my life is falling apart by my human nature, which is filled with pride and sin. But, I can by the Spirit of God that lives in me.
The other problem I face when going through the “Valley of weeping”, is the well meaning quotes that in reality sting more than help. I try hard not to hold it against others, but to smile and say thank you. I sometimes have to retreat from such people and just spend some quiet time with me and the Lord. When one's heart is pierced it is so important to receive God's healing, even if it means to retreat from others who have no idea how to minister.
Upon further research into the word, I find it interesting that many saints in the Bible do not always receive good health, security, a home, friends or a life of leisure. In fact life is hard. It was hard for those who followed Christ during His ministry on earth, and it is hard for those who follow Christ today. If you submit your life to the Lord with all your heart, life will come with challenges. You will not always feel his peace, nor will you always have mountain top experiences. Your life may not even feel like it make's any sense. It's at these times that we trust in the Lord. Trust Him in the valley where you work hard to survive. Trust Him in the battle field where spiritual darkness fights with your soul. Know that you are not alone. “Never will He leave you, never will He forsake you.(Hebrews 13:5)
Each circumstance I shared above has either happened or is happening now. I can truly tell you it is not easy to be happy for others when your world is falling apart. I have to work hard in prayer for God to prevent envy, bitterness or depression to set in. When my faith and my heart is strong I can pray with boldness. In the times my faith is so low, I can't even pray. I cry out to God, “I don't know what to say any more, I don't know how to pray”. I have found it helpful to write my prayers down, or find a prayer already written that speaks of how my heart feels. I also call upon my prayer buddies to come along side me and pray with or for me.
A good friend came by the other day and prayed and cried with me. How healing that was for me. She didn't tell me God, does not give you more than you can handle, (which by the way that is not biblical). When He spoke those words in 1 Cor 10:13 He was referring to temptation. If God didn't give us more than we could handle then we wouldn't need a Savior.
I also find that I cling to God more when I'm struggling then any other time in my life. I rely on God to get up in the morning, to take a shower, walk or sometimes just breathe. I give God thanks for the little things as well as the favored answered prayer. Jesus, has become my everything. My savior, my husband, my friend, my brother, my father, my healer, my strength and my joy. He is the peace in the storm. He is the lifter of my head. He is the gentle whisper that speaks of His love for me. He is my shield from evil.
If you are looking to minister to those who are hurting, most times listening and not speaking is what is needed. In fact the less you say, the best chance you might have in reaching the broken heart.
I have always found the comment comical that people find more comfort sharing with someone inebriated then they do with “Church” people. The reason is that someone listening with impaired hearing do not know what to say and so are silent. The “Church” people love and are compassionate and want to help so they say what they believe would bring comfort. That is why we should not hold it against them as their motives are in the right place. However, unless you have walked in the same path or are trained how to minister to others I encourage the philosophy of listen, love and pray.
Life is a learning experience. We learn during the spiritual revival when our hearts are filled with joy, and we learn from the trials when our faith is low. Through it all God is walking, carrying, teaching and loving on us.
If you don't have an intimate relationship with the Lord, or just aren't sure where you stand before our God, will you take a minute to pray. “Father, I pray for the one reading this blog. I pray if they are hurting for you to comfort them. If they are confused and their faith is low and have more questions then answers then please Lord, hold them in your loving arms and let your peace fill them from head to toe. I pray for healing of body, spirit and soul. If they don't know you or are unsure of their salvation then I ask that they will accept that you died on the cross to take away their sins. For we all are sinners born into this world. Once we confess our sins we are forgiven. You took our sins with You on the cross, so we can spend eternity with our heavenly Father. You, Jesus, are the way, the truth and the life and no one can come to the Father except through You. Accept Christ as your savior, saving you from death and eternal darkness. Accept His forgiveness and commit yourself to becoming a new creation through Christ, dying to self and old sinful behavior and becoming one with the Lord. Thank you, Father for the shedding of Christ's blood.
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty — the one who always was, who is, and who is still to come.” (Rev 4:8)


  1. Thanks Jan, love ya and miss ya.

  2. "She didn't tell me God, does not give you more than you can handle,"
    I love that you know this sometimes I feel like I am the only one.I tell people if we didn't have more than we could handle in this life we wouldn't need God. Love your blog please feel free to share mine.
