Monday, August 5, 2013


I was doing my daily pool exercises when I thought it might be easier if I had a focal point. So my eyes scanned the outside of the screening and I came across a branch growing straight up to the heavens. It reminded me of an olive branch. My thoughts went to the story of Noah and he releasing the dove who eventually came back with what is described as an olive branch. I decided to do some research on olive branches and was delighted to find the meaning. Most of the research described an olive branch as a symbol of peace. Some described it as a sign of victory and hope.
When you think about the story found in Genesis 8, Noah had to release a dove a few times before he was confident that the time was coming when it would be safe to leave the ark. Genesis 8:10 states, "Seven days later Noah released the dove again, and this time, towards evening, the bird returned to him with an olive leaf in her beak."(TLB) What joy Noah must have felt. Reminds me of a Crocus plant emerging through the semi frozen ground symbolizing the end of a long winter and the beginning of spring. I was filled with hope when I saw a tiny green tree growing among the soot and ashes after the devastation of a fire. It always amazes me when a flower blooms in-between a crack in a sidewalk. All these descriptions inspire hope in me. Yet, in order for me to truly appreciate hope I first have to experience despair and suffering. Noah did. Think about the complete destruction of the human race except for Noah, his family and the animals he rescued and released. I can't even imagine the devastation of it all. Then an olive branch comes by way of a dove. A sign of life. The first sign of redemption outside the ark. No longer will God wipe out the Earth again. No longer does anyone ever have to live with despair. We are given a new life, a hope, a beginning and eternity through God's son Jesus Christ.
2 Corinthians 5:17 states "When someone becomes a Christian he becomes a brand new person inside. He is not the same anymore. A new life has begun!"(TLB) There will always be suffering and destruction as we live in a fallen world. But when we focus on the Lord we have an inner joy. We have hope and once again we can see life emerging through the ashes. We can have our very own olive branch through prayer, the Bible and in each other. The messenger (The Dove) is God the Father, Jesus Christ His son and the Holy Spirit.
This week is going to be a week of answered prayer. I will be looking for the olive branch, the symbol of hope, peace and victory through the outcome of those who I will be praying. Today and tomorrow (Tuesday), a dear friend who has been going through a time of suffering is at a clinic looking for treatment and help from her life of physical weakness. A man who I have been praying for is going in for surgery on Wednesday. A young boy who has endured extreme hardships through out his life is leaving on Thursday to a hospital out of state looking for release and healing, me and my sister are going to pick up new leg braces on Friday praying they will help alleviate pain and give me the ability to walk with out the fear of falling. I am excited to see how each of those mentioned will receive their olive branch, their own symbol of hope and new life. I will keep you posted.....


  1. Thank you Ellen for sharing this beautiful post.
    Thank you for these wonderful words of Hope that we all can have our own olive branch through Jesus Christ!
    I will be praying for your olive branch as well this week
    Love you my sister
    Ines W.

    1. Thank you Ines, love you to and excited for Jarretts homecoming. You and Willy are his olive branch.

  2. Great word. I can picture the crocus popping thru the immediate hope. oh Lord, you are our hope.

    1. Thanks Judyanne, you are an olive branch to so many people. God has annointed you in a very special way. Keep spreading His joy. Love ya

    2. An update on those who I have been praying for, My friend has been receiving physical therapy hoping to strengthen her body, the man who had surgery is doing well, the young boy still needs more prayer as he faces life threatening illness and a long hospital stay in his near future, the braces didn't work out for me but I am searching another area for answers with a different brace.
