Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Sept 30 My CMT Journey continues.....
I didn't challenge anyone to an ice bucket challenge and the only suffering endured was reading my lengthy posts. “Thank You for supporting, and praying for a cure for Joel, my sister Patty, myself and all the other CMT sufferers”. My motives are threefold in sharing my journey with you this month. First and foremost is to encourage you if your prayers are not answered in your favor to not loose hope. It is so easy to want to give up on your faith. You may think if their really is a God why does He allow so much suffering in this world. To that I say, He is always with you. We are the ones who turn our backs on Him. He never promised life would be easy and He never promised He would grant our every wish. What He does promise is “Never will I leave you and never will I forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6. He sent us His son, Jesus Christ, to comfort us and His spirit to encourage us. I could never endure the hardships without my faith and hopes in my Lord. “What we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory we will receive later” Romans 8:18. Next is to get the awareness out there of what CMT is and how it affects us. Lastly to show what is being done for a cure and to request donations to expedite the process. To end my final chapter I have added the latest updates in research.
The seven stages outlined below provide more detail about the strategy and progress in drug development for CMT1A. Stages 1-5 have been completed or are ongoing, and stages 6 and 7 will begin soon after the completion of stage 5.
    1. Develop Laboratory Models:The fact that the genetic mutations causing CMT can be replicated in laboratory models has opened an extraordinary window of opportunity to develop treatments for CMT1A.
    2 Build Cellular Assays:With CMTA support, a series of drug-screening assays have been developed which are being used to identify and prioritize compounds that can reduce the high level of the PMP22 gene that causes CMT1A.
    3. Screen the Cellular Assays with Different Pharmaceuticals:
    4. Test the Candidate Drug Compounds in Laboratory Models:The CMTA has engaged a contract research organization, Psychogenics, to facilitate and expand drug testing in laboratory models of CMT1A. This capability expedites our ability to test several versions of a given drug type. It also helps us to collaborate with a variety of pharmaceutical partners that have candidate drugs to test so that we can test many candidates in parallel rather than one at a time. The laboratory models of CMT1A are being assessed to determine if the compounds change the grip strength, balance or sensory function in the model. These results will help us determine which compounds might improve common CMT symptoms while improving the underlying problems in peripheral nerves.
    5. Test the Compounds for Dosage, Toxicity and Viability:For the four compounds identified in previous years, Dr. Michael Shy and the CMTA Centers of Excellence are conducting safety and toxicity tests for the most viable candidates. This is a major step required for eventual translation of these findings into clinical trials for CMT1A patients.
    6. Conduct Pre-clinical Phase 1 Human Trials:A small group of strong, healthy people without CMT will take the dose of the compounds to test for human side effects and toxicity.
    7. Conduct Pre-clinical Phase 2 Trials:Through the CMT Centers of Excellence, small groups of people with CMT1A will engage in pharmaceutical trials to understand the positive impact the drug will have on CMT. Once these trials are concluded and the FDA has approved the use of the drug, it can be delivered to the market, accessible to everyone with CMT1A.
I will occasionally update my blog so check back once in awhile if your curious.. I am truly humbled by the out pouring of love, encouragement and kindness you bestowed upon my postings. Thank you seems such a delicate word to end this post. But from the bottom of my heart I am forever grateful to you all. I love you and I pray God will bless you! P.S. If anyone gave towards research If you feel comfortable, could you let me know how much you contributed. I would like to tally up how much was given this month and post tomorrow. Hugs
If you feel led to give any donations for researching a cure, you can give online at http://www.cmtausa.org/url/sharkchallenge or to the MDAhttp://www2.mda.org/goto/CMTChallenge

Pretty Patty

Joel and I

1 comment:

  1. I have been trying to put your blog address on my page. I hope you do continue to write because you have encouraged me. http://job6-3.blogspot.com/
